Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Man

I am still working on this peom and I am thinking of adding more to it :)

The Man 

The man cannot sympathize with the weak, with his statues standing proud, 

The man with his toys of destructon,

The man choosing which of his specimens to breed with at the zoo,

The man with his meals put in his pocket regurlary,

The man gets praised for being rude,

Reading his newspapers being crude,

The man going through women like a lawnmower to grass,

The man hiding his own child abuse with a suit,

Makes you so sick you dread to look,

While everyone claps lost in laughter,

You lost yourself so you hide and run,

To a place that that has everyone 

and with no man to tell you where you stand,

Guilt inspections done!

With open feet you know where to land....


Monday, November 2, 2009

On the small small very tiny fact I have a strong fasination (and share it obviousy) with costue and clothes from different periods and especially corsets, it may not suprise all that I went through an Emilie Autumn stage...

Her clothes are marvelous, I can't exactly say the sam for her music (not my thing)

She makes most if not all of her costumes I think..






speaking of clothing, I maybe helping out a indie label named "Tentacle Threads"

Look at the cooky and cute creations



They also do dreads :)


Here is the myspace URL http://www.myspace.com/tentaclethreads

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It has been awhile hasn't it????

Well that really dosen't change anything, I went to the Sydney Cruelty Free Festival yesterday and could you believe that this hot dog is all vegan friendly, I little bit wierd if you ask me


And on haloween I was a flyer girl for this crazy hair salon I model for in Newtown called "Doppelganger Hair" so made me up all special :)


amazing times to be had... 

My weekend twas quite exciting <3