I feel quite discusted, having close friends enforce thier believes and eating habits on me, but they still cannot change the fact that I have a vegan diet...
so very emotional haha,
I am quite the photography whore hehehe :)
I feel quite discusted, having close friends enforce thier believes and eating habits on me, but they still cannot change the fact that I have a vegan diet...
so very emotional haha,
I am quite the photography whore hehehe :)
Hello there!
Yesterday I did a lovely modeling shoot for my friend down all the WAY down in Cabramatta, I did the shoot to showcase her skills as a makeup artist.
If your wondering Cabramatta is a suburb of NSW, and is sometimes nick named "The Little Chinatown of Sydney", it's almost like a Chinese marketplace meets modern Sydney, even the Bakeries sell asian goodies
And... on the humorous/odd side of things I have these pictures..
The slogan should be "Let Jebus cometh into your wife"
I love these images here ...
I've been looking, listening and reading about this young american musician named Christopher Drew of NeverShoutNever
He sounds like a very Possitive, Easy Going, Caring, Dead Kennedys Loving op shoped out, Animal lover!
In other news I bought a new dress and there are some crazy marketing techniques out there in the small small wide open world!
Cheers! - Do you like the colours of the new dress! <3
Well... If you know me, you would know that I have an almost sickly fetish for all things corset
These images come into mind... (warning image heavy)
Anyone else have a corset obesstion?
Hello blogspot, please welcome me as a crazed blogger of whom hails from NSW (to be more helpful the North Shore Line), I am a female and I am a young thing
That is what I look like...
Also do you like my first Henna job?